Why Us?
In most cases, the initial approach was to either a local quack/faith healer or a general physician. Usually help from a mental health professional was sought only subsequently, when everything else had failed.
Navaprerona has taken the onus to fill this gap by providing professional help proactively using the following methodology:
Free Awareness sessions about mental disorders and low perceived need for treatment. |
Socio-cultural beliefs about mental disorders leading to help-seeking from local quacks or faith healers. |
Social, as well as perceived self-stigma prevents them from help-seeking. People either remain homebound or seek help from traditional modalities. |
Insufficient and inequitable distribution of mental health professionals. |
Inaccessibility to and/or financial difficulties to afford health care services. |
Lack of knowledge, training, and reluctance by primary health care professionals to treat mental health problems. |
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