Why Us?

1.5 crore people suffer from severe mental disorders in India.
10 children in a class of 50 – suffers from a mental health problem.
Some of the signs and symptoms of poor mental health are addictions to tobacco and/or alcohol, suicidal tendencies, phobias, anxiety and depressive episodes.
The state of Assam has an alarming treatment gap of 85 percent for mental disorders as of 2015-16.

In most cases, the initial approach was to either a local quack/faith healer or a general physician. Usually help from a mental health professional was sought only subsequently, when everything else had failed.

Navaprerona methodology
Navaprerona has taken the onus to fill this gap by providing professional help proactively using the following methodology:


Free Awareness sessions about mental disorders and low perceived need for treatment.

Socio-cultural beliefs about mental disorders leading to help-seeking from local quacks or faith healers.

Social, as well as perceived self-stigma prevents them from help-seeking. People either remain homebound or seek help from traditional modalities.

Insufficient and inequitable distribution of mental health professionals.

Inaccessibility to and/or financial difficulties to afford health care services.

Lack of knowledge, training, and reluctance by primary health care professionals to treat mental health problems.


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Erik Doe
“Massa amet, at dolor tellus pellentesque aenean in eget massa tincidunt habitasse volutpat adipiscing sed id sit auctor eu vivamus nulla.”
Thomas Millner
“Proin elit fames nisl aliquet amet dignissim tristique nunc in purus diam feugiat lacinia accumsan, dolor vestibulum viverra parturient!”
Julia Estelle